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February 10, 2021
Time Tracking for Title 1 & Grant Activities
About This Resource
Your K-12 school relies on funding from various sources—local and state governments, grants from corporate and community foundations, and the federal Title 1 program. To effectively allocate funding from these sources, you must carefully track the time employees spend on a range of student support activities and tie those activities back to your overall budget.
As many schools can attest, the process for accurately tracking the time teachers, assistants, and administrators spend on externally funded activities isn’t always straightforward or easy to accomplish. Manual time-tracking can expose your school to lost time sheets, calculation errors and inaccurate budget coding. Moreover, using paper or spreadsheets can be onerous and
frustrating for all involved, especially for teachers and other professionals unaccustomed to tracking their time.
Thankfully, comprehensive time-tracking technology provides an efficient solution for helping K-12 schools track employee time and see how Title 1 and grant funds are being used. Use this guide to gain valuable tips for overcoming time-tracking challenges and managing your school employees more efficiently.