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March 23, 2022
Technology to the Rescue: Scheduling Software Solves Public Safety Pain Points
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Few, if any, public safety employees are clocking in a “9 to 5” shift. In fact, the employees and administrators are working 24/7 to ensure public safety. The long hours are only part of what makes these schedules so complex. It’s not just a matter of having the right number of people available to cover shifts, but having the necessary skills, experience and combination of job ranks.
It may not be pleasant when a worker misses their shift at a retail outlet or restaurant. But not having the right mix and number of employees on duty can have life-or-death implications in public safety. Leaving schedule creation to a less-than-modern system can be time-consuming at best and disastrous at worst, so many local public safety agencies are starting to see that they must look to scheduling software for assistance in meeting this critical need.
According to research from Accenture, “over 85% of public safety respondents agree that their organizations’ business and technology strategies are becoming inseparable – even indistinguishable…agencies need to take critical decisions like how to embrace the cloud, how to remove embedded siloes and harness the power of platforms, and how to get to grips with the mass of data now available to them.”
A sound process and strategy for scheduling is essential for any public safety organization. Download this eBook to learn how the right tools for scheduling employee shifts can help public safety agencies avoid a range of complications that can leave your department short-staffed or burdened with an outsized overtime expense, or both.