Improve operations and work experiences with self-service
Mobile self-service helps employees balance work and life by letting them see and engage with their schedule, complete and submit digital forms, and communicate with employees.
Explore Aladtec on mobile
24/7 access
Employees can see the latest schedule, request time off, trade shifts, adjust their availability, and see others scheduled on their shifts—all from their mobile device.
Shift signups
It's easy for employees to sign up for open shifts.
You can approve automatically or manually based on order of submission, hours worked, or seniority.
Shift trading
With a couple of taps, employees can give away or swap shifts with other qualified personnel.
You can approve automatically or manually based on compliance rules.
Digital forms
You can even complete agency forms from mobile or tablet devices—no more paper forms to print, transcribe, and store.
Shift reminders
Send automated reminders to staff 24 hours before their shift starts.
If there are any updates in that 24-hour window—such as position or location changes—the system automatically sends that update as well.
Shift management
Managers can track minimum staffing violations, respond to employee requests, send pages to fill open shifts, and more.
Ready to dramatically reduce time on scheduling?
“It’s been a dream for us. We’re still learning it, just scratching the surface, but it’s been one of the best programs, investments, in my 36 years that I’ve ever done.”
Chad Black
Director, Habersham County Emergency Services
Explore free downloads and articles.
Technology to the rescue: scheduling software solves public safety pain points
Learn how the right scheduling tools help avoid short-staffed shifts, outsized overtime expenses, and more.
Creating a pattern for success: comparing public safety shift schedules
Explore some of the most common types of public safety shift schedules and how to easily solve challenges around complex shift scheduling.