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November 17, 2021
Guide to TimeClock Plus Reporting
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On any given day, a lot happens with your workforce. Some employees will clock in and others will call in sick, some work part time and others full time, and schedules can change for any number of reasons. Although every hour in the workday is essential, reports highlighting individual events in the aggregate can help you identify anomalies, patterns, and exceptions to your workplace policies and practices. In fact, insightful workforce reporting can give you greater visibility into your workforce, helping you monitor budgets, maintain compliance, identify exceptions and make better decisions about scheduling workers for specific jobs and projects,
At TCP Software, we’ve learned a lot in the last 30 years about the data required to understand your workforce. We’ve designed reporting features that make it easy to measure and analyze employee hours, time-off metrics, and worker productivity.
Download this guide to learn:
• Benefits you can expect from TimeClock Plus reporting
• Data you can access with TimeClock Plus reporting
• Popular workforce data reports in TimeClock Plus
• Tips on how our customers use these reporting tools to gain real-time insights