January 24, 2015
9 Blogs Every Restaurant Owner Should Be Reading

Whether you’re looking to start a new restaurant or you are already a restaurant owner, the best way to stay on a course is to keep up with your reading.
With content marketing growing in popularity and millions of blog posts going online every single day, you best believe there are plenty of resources out there for restauranteurs.
And while there are ways to save time, as a restaurant owner, you still have a lot of work to do. That’s where this post comes in.
Here are nine blogs you as a restaurant owner should bookmark right away.
Restaurant Den
When the team at Restaurant Den isn’t designing new websites, they’re helping restaurant owners by teaching them how to get the most out of their website, social media and online marketing channels through their blog.
There is even a great seven-part course you can take on how to attract more customers to your restaurant using your website.
If you’re interested in taking your restaurant’s online presence, this blog will help you learn how to do just that.
With articles like 16 Sneaky Restaurant Menu Tricks That Tempt You To Spend More, how can you not be curious about the advice that’s on Lifehack?
No, the blog is not strictly about restaurants, but there’s plenty of great stuff about running food spots there. but if you’re not careful, you could end up wasting all of your free time there because all of the other eye-catching headlines. Don’t worry; a lot of it could end up helping you in other facets of your life.
Urbanspoon Blog
As a restaurant owner, you probably either love or hate Urbanspoon (now Zomato). If you don’t know what it is, it’s a place where practically anyone can leave a rating and review for your restaurant.
They also have a blog that covers a lot of great information for restaurant owners, from menu item ideas to apps, marketing advice and so on. It’s worth a look-see.
Like Lifehack, Entrepreneur may not be strictly about starting and running restaurants, however, they do have a deep catalog of articles related to small business, and there are plenty there about restaurants specifically as well.
You never know when you might be inspired by other business owners and the creativity and innovation they are applying to their businesses, so Entrepreneur is worth keeping an eye on.
All Food Business Blog
All Food Business Blog has a pretty deep archive of blog posts for people in the food industry. If you’re curious about something, there’s a good chance that they’ve covered it there, which is good to know since you might have, potentially obscure and highly-specific, unanswered questions that need to be answered.
Restaurant Business Magazine
Not only does their website look great, Restaurant Business Magazine covers a lot of topics for restaurant owners ranging from business trends to menu development. You would be hard-pressed to exhaust the content on this site.
Again, while may not be exclusively about the food industry, there are tons of articles on just about every business topic imaginable. Use it as a reference guide when you need to look up specific business-related issues.
Restaurant Engine
Restaurant Engine helps restaurants with website design. However, it just so happens that they have a great blog for restaurant owners too.
If you’re looking to optimize your website, learn about the trends in menu design and more, you can head on over there to get some good tips.
The Restaurant Expert
The Restaurant Expert has plenty of free resources for business owners. Their goal is to teach independent restaurant owners how to bring more balance into their daily work lives.
Spending too much time on business issues? You might want to start digging here for better solutions.
Stay current with your reading, and keep the benefits of this constant influx of new knowledge. And remember, our blog is a pretty great place for small business owners to get inspired as well.
Do you have any other favorite restaurant-related blogs that you read? Feel free to share them with us in the comment section.
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