October 4, 2021
Adjusting Time Off Types

Time Off in Aladtec is useful for tracking when members cannot work scheduled shifts or are away for extended leaves of time. The type of Time Off needed may change over time, for example, a member ended up using sick leave instead of vacation time. Other times, a member may request Time Off in advance but when the day arrives, hours must be used from a different type of time off, such as vacation time instead of personal days.
In Aladtec, it’s super easy to adjust the type on a pending or approved Time Off request, simply edit the Time Off request as shown below.
For questions or additional help with Time Off or any other part of your Aladtec system, please contact the Support Team at or 888.749.5550. As always, thank you for using Aladtec!
~The Aladtec Team
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