
December 17, 2012

Humanity Tutorial: How Do I Quickly Assign Employee Training and Development Topics To Staff?


With every new employee that joins the team, there is a period of time when training is required for the staff member to go over necessary employee training and development. There are also cases when a new company rule or policy is implemented and all staff members need to review and fully understand it. With the training feature of our application, managers are able to keep track of the employee training and development process of each individual employee and also quickly assign training topics to employees by position, group, skill, or user.

Training topic assignment can be done in two ways: (1) when editing a training topic or (2) in the ‘Fast Assignment’ sub-section of the ‘Training’ section, found in the ‘Dashboard’ tab. The latter option will allow managers to quickly assign training topics to staff all in one convenient place.

Select a training section to view its training topics.

Then click on a training topic to view the assignment options on the right of the screen. There are options to assign the training topic by ‘Position’, ‘Group’, ‘Skill’, or by ‘User’. Select each option to view available ‘Positions’, ‘Group’, etc.

If you want to assign a large number of training topics to the same staff members, use the ‘Assign Multiple’ button on the top right corner.

Check off all training topics that will apply to the same staff members. Once finished, click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

After clicking the ‘Save Changes’ button, two options are presented and you can either (1) ‘Overwrite Existing Assignments’ or (2) ‘Append to Existing Assignments’.

If you select to ‘Overwrite Existing Assignments’, all training assignments will reset to what you have selected in the current screen. If you select to ‘Append to Existing Assignments’, the selected training assignments will add to the ones that are already in place.

We hope this Ask The Wizard tutorial was useful for your employee training and development needs! If you have any questions about how to use the application, please view our Ask The Wizard blog post tutorials or tweet us @HumanityApp with the hash tag #AskTheWizard.

Happy Scheduling!

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