January 4, 2021
How To Display Aladtec on a TV or Monitor

Aladtec schedules can be displayed on a TV or monitor in a central location, keeping schedule information visible for members at all times.
A single monitor can be used to show one schedule view, or multiple monitors can be used to show different schedule views, as shown below. Using multiple monitors will require either a single computer with multiple video outputs, or multiple computers.
Displaying schedules on a TV or monitor only requires a few items:
- a computer with a modern web browser
- a TV or monitor with a video input that matches the video output on the computer
- a cable to connect the computer to the TV or monitor
Once the equipment is set up, a generic member will need to be created in the Aladtec Member Database. The Access Level for the generic member must be set to view all schedules.
On the computer connected to the TV or monitor, sign into Aladtec as the generic member. In Schedule Views, select which view will be used for display on the TV or monitor. Filters, in Schedule Views, can be used to further narrow down which schedules are displayed.
To always display the most current schedules on the TV or monitor, simply install an auto refresh add-on* into whichever browser is being used to view the schedules. The add-on will automatically refresh the display at the time interval selected, and will keep the displayed schedules up-to-date. To find a free or paid for auto refresh add-on, enter ‘auto refresh’ in the search bar in one of the following:
- Chrome – in the Chrome Web Store
- Firefox – in the Add-ons area, under Extensions
- Microsoft Edge – in the Extensions area, click on ‘Get Extensions for Microsoft Edge’
For questions or additional help, please contact the Support Team at or 888.749.5550. As always, thank you for using Aladtec!
~ Your Aladtec Team
*Note: the end-user should thoroughly vet add-on software before installation. Aladtec is not associated with any add-on software products and is not liable for their use.
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