July 24, 2013
Northern Michigan University’s HelpDesk Integrated Humanity’s Online Scheduling Tool To Manage Their Scheduling Needs

Northern Michigan University’s HelpDesk is the backbone of their support system. Located in Marquette, Michigan; the HelpDesk is committed to providing the highest level of quality support to NMU students, faculty, and staff. Support is provided for NMU network connections, network services, and NMU issued software and computers, including TLC (Teaching, Learning and Communication) initiative notebooks. The help desk is staffed with 4 full time and typically 35 part-time students.
In order to keep the staff availability, proper scheduling was an important part in the smooth operation of the help desk. The help desk used to face a number of challenges while managing schedule for the student staff such as working around a class schedule, having a set semester schedule, fluctuating hours, etc. They used to have their custom home built scheduling system. The system used to consume hours and weeks to make and implement schedule respectively.
Now after switching to Humanity’s online scheduling tool, the help desk has one location to go for all its scheduling needs. The staff can go to a centralized platform to update their profile, availability and lot of other things. All the staff database can be maintained and accessed from a single centralized system. Humanity is helping the help desk not only in scheduling the staff but also as a human resource software. The help desk has utilized Humanity API and they have integrated the online scheduling tool into their own system.
All of this has lead to a stable and custom online scheduling tool for the help desk. When asked about favorite thing about Humanity Jeffrey Kontio, Help Desk Consultant at Northern Michigan University said,
The built in employee profile manager. It gives our student staff a singular location to update their information and also allows manage an employee database
Humanity team is happy that our application has been helping Northern Michigan University’s HelpDesk in scheduling as well as HR-related activities.
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