January 16, 2013
Now Access Online Employee Training Modules On Your Tablet

Our online employee training gives managers the ability to share the most up-to-date tutorials and training modules with employees. The ‘Training’ module allows employees to easily see what topics have been completed, while allowing managers to concurrently keep tabs on training progress. The ‘Training’ module is an easy way to share content with staff, which streamlines the staff training process and saves time and effort over traditional methods.
On your tablet, simply tap on the ‘Training’ tab in the upper right-hand corner.
Within the ‘Training’ module, there are two primary units: ‘Sections’ and ‘Topics’. ‘Topics’ lie within ‘Sections’, which act as folders to keep your training topics organized. When you first tap on ‘Training’, you will see a full list of all existing ‘Sections’ and ‘Topics’ on the left-hand side. Right above this list is a status bar that indicates your progress in required training topics.
At default, this online employee training module feature is turned off since it is in beta mode. To enable it, go on the Humanity application on your desktop, click the ‘Admin’ tab. On the left sidebar, under the heading ‘Account’, click on ‘Account Settings’ and scroll to ‘Staff Settings’. Check the box next to ‘Staff Training Module Enabled’ to turn this training module feature on.
‘Sections’ are used to organize training ‘Topics’ into separate folders. The image below is a list of different ‘Sections’.
‘Topics’ are the main units of the ‘Training’ module. ‘Topics’ contain training content in text and interactive forms.
For each training ‘Topic’, employees have to sign, comment and mark them as finished.
When staff members complete training ‘Topic’ modules, green check marks will appear beside training topic titles for each individual employee. When the manager clicks on a specific training ‘Topic’, an image library of staff members appears with a green check mark beside those who have completed the ‘Topic’ or a red ‘X’ beside those who have not.
We hope this online employee training module, now available on tablets, benefits both employees and management staff by making it even easier to keep up with business needs from anywhere, at any time! Please feel free to let us know of any feedback, questions or concerns in the comments below or by emailing
Happy Scheduling!
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