
April 24, 2012

Recover Cleared Schedules with Humanity’s New Schedule Restore Feature


Making mistakes, like accidentally deleting shifts, is inevitable when regularly creating staff schedules. The ability to undo, bring back or restore cleared data is a lifeline to many users. It is immensely reassuring to know that you can always undo your mistakes or recover cleared shifts you previously thought were unnecessary. An easily available undo and restore feature creates a sense of scheduling simplicity because the user always knows schedule information is recoverable. Schedule data that is regularly backed up and accessible gives users a recovery buffer, making the staff scheduling process more robust.

Humanity previously released the ‘Undo’ feature to our staff scheduler, however, this feature allowed users to restore deleted shifts or schedules within a seven-second period. To improve upon this, we have extended undo options with the new ‘Schedule Restore’ feature, which allows cleared schedules (with two or more shifts) from within the past four weeks to be brought back in their entirety. The menu appears as an easy-to-read and organized list, from most recent to least recent schedules. To restore a schedule, you simply need to click on the desired date.

Step-by-step Guide to Restore Schedules 
Go to the ‘Schedule’ tab and click on the ‘Action / Settings’ gear icon. The new ‘Schedule Restore’ feature will appear on the drop-down menu shown below.

When you click on ‘Schedule Restore’, a list of past events will appear, like this:

From the list, select the shifts you want to restore, and the complete shifts will reappear on your schedule. If there are no shifts in your history, you will see ‘No History Found’ instead of a list of shifts, indicating that you have not cleared any shifts within the last four weeks.

Our new feature will help you undo and avoid the consequences of inadvertent mistakes and gives you access to weeks of cleared schedule information. We hope this new ‘Schedule Restore’ feature serves as a safety net and adds confidence to your staff scheduling process.