September 1, 2010
Setting up Your Humanity Employee Scheduling Account is Now Easier Than Ever

As a result of our ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction, Humanity has just unveiled a full suite of tools designed to make the setup process a breeze.
The tedious, time-consuming process of setting up any new scheduling software has been a major bone of contention for many busy managers. At Humanity, we heard your frustration and went to work, and the results speak for themselves.
In fact, getting your company’s scheduling system up and running with Humanity software has never been easier!
Our quick set-up guide solves these problems by providing instant software integration with your company’s existing information. Simply log onto the Humanity website and follow the hyperlinks through the process.
Initial Setup:
After setting up your time zone and information about your business and industry type (a simple step used to configure your calendar and messaging settings).
Schedule Setup:
The next step is to set up schedules or import your existing schedules in either .xls or .cvs format. Our new process is so streamlined, you’ll be amazed at how quickly and smoothly the transfer goes down.
Staff Setup:
Setting up staff is just as simple. You can also choose to import employee information from an E-mail address book, Google Apps, Facebook, or a csv format! Humanity Software allows employers to invite staff into the program, and once there it catalogs all their information including cell phone, home phone,
e-mail address and a photo of the employee for easy, instant identification.
Humanity also displays the date the employee last logged into the system, and their current employment status (active, inactive, on vacation, etc.) All the information a manager needs at a glance!
The Humanity staff setup page allows Humanity software to upload an employee’s name and profile image from their Facebook account. Employers can even post invitations to an employee’s Facebook wall inviting them to join the staff scheduling program. It’s that simple!
Don’t forget, if you need help with the set up at any time during the process, live customer support is on hand 24/7.
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