
March 1, 2016

Shift Acknowledgements


Here’s a feature that many of our customers have been asking for over the years: shift acknowledgement. This feature takes the guessing out of scheduling shifts entirely.

Humanity already sends immediate notifications to all employees scheduled to work shifts. Now on top of that, managers have the ability to ask their employees to confirm that they are going to work their assigned shifts.

This is another guarantee that you business’ work schedule is always going to be accurate and that you’re never going to have to scramble to find replacements and fill shifts at the last minute.

How it Works

Go to Admin > Account Settings and under Schedule Section, you will see Enable Shift Acknowledgment.


When this feature is enabled, employees will be required to either acknowledge or unacknowledge all future shifts they are scheduled to work.

Employee View

Once you have enabled this feature as a manager, here’s what the employee is going to see in his or her Dashboard.

Among the other notifications, there will be one telling employees that they have shifts that need to be acknowledged, if that is the case.


Clicking on the link will take the employee to the page where he or she can acknowledge or unacknowledge the shifts. This page can also be visited by clicking on Requests > Shift Acknowledgement.


Here’s what the process looks like: Employees can confirm their attendance or absence and even have an option to give a reason for why they can or cannot work the shift.


Using Filters and Bulk Acknowledgement

You can use filters on this page to view acknowledgement needs according to position and date as well.


If you want to confirm that you will be working all of your shifts that have been schedule at once, you can use the bulk acknowledgement option, which is located on the right side of the screen. This allows you to confirm all of the shifts that are currently loaded on your screen.

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Those are the basics of the shift acknowledgment feature.

If you want a detailed overview of how employees can view them from their Humanity schedules and how both employees and administrators can set up and manage shift acknowledgement notifications, take a look at our Helpdesk article.

As always, we encourage all our customers to continue sending feature requests and to let us know what they think of all the new options we continue to add to our application.

Happy scheduling!