
August 30, 2018

Switch Between Aladtec Systems

Aladtec members who work for numerous services may have access to multiple Aladtec systems. These systems can be linked together, allowing the member to easily switch between the Aladtec systems without having to log in to each system.

To switch between Aladtec systems, contact Aladtec Support to link the systems together. After the systems are linked, to switch systems, simply log into one Aladtec system, select the service name in the upper left of the system, and then choose a system. In the example below, a member logged in to one Aladtec system and has the option to switch to two other Aladtec systems.

Aladtec dashboard

If you have any questions or would like to switch between Aladtec systems, please contact the Support Team at 888.749.5550 or As always, thank you for using Aladtec!

~Your Aladtec Team