August 28, 2017
The New Aladtec Mobile Experience

Aladtec’s Mobile version has a new look, along with numerous small enhancements. Over the coming months, even more features will be added to Mobile.
The most recent changes include:
- Color coded information – Quickly recognize information; colors are the same as the Desktop, i.e. blue for Scheduled Shifts, green for Trades, purple for Open Shifts, orange for Time Off, brown for Events
- Redesigned Dashboard – Easily see information at a glance; now focused on schedules, requests and events
- Menu updates – Faster navigation to a few features previously located on the Dashboard
- Other – Simpler to select dates, view member information, find forms, and send messages
Below are additional details for the recent enhancements. Note: Some enhancements may not be available, due to your system configuration. To take advantage of these, contact your System Admin or Aladtec Support for assistance.
Dashboard for Members
On the Dashboard, Members can quickly see their Upcoming Shifts, Available Trades, Available Open Shifts, Approved Time Off, and Upcoming Events; with the ability to view additional items for each section.
Admin Tasks on Dashboard
In addition to everything a member can see and do on the Dashboard, Admins can review Pending Requests for Trades, Sign Ups, and Time Off. Each section shows the next upcoming request, the number of additional pending requests, and gives the ability to view additional items.
Menu Navigation Options
A few features, previously located on the Dashboard, are now accessible from the Menu. From any page, use the Menu to quickly navigate to other key pages including: Dashboard, Daily Summary (previously Work Schedule), Forms, Discussions, and Member Database. Members can also Logout or Switch Systems from the Menu. Note: Switch Systems is only available for Members with access to multiple Aladtec systems.
View Time Off Requests
Members can check their Time Off Requests easily, to see if they are Approved or still Pending Admin Approval.
Selecting Dates
Forms with the A-Z Picker
Forms can be quickly accessed from the Menu. If there are a lot of forms, use the A-Z picker to locate a specific form.
Member Database Features
In the Member Database, use the A-Z picker to quickly find a member, view additional member information, and send messages to Individuals, Access Levels, or Work Groups.
If you have questions, need help navigating mobile, or configuring features in your system, please contact your Support Team at or 888.749.5550. As always, thank you for using Aladtec.
~ Your Aladtec Team
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