April 19, 2023
Communicating Through Required Messages

Many Aladtec customers find the messaging capabilities one of the greatest features they never knew they needed in a scheduling solution. Sure, Aladtec makes scheduling easier, but did you know it can also help you ensure employees acknowledge key communications from management?
Need to let your staff know of a policy change? Want to remind employees of an upcoming training meeting? Whatever the reason might be, the Required Messages feature is one way to communicate with your staff in the Aladtec system. A Required Message is information you want the recipient to read and therefore acknowledge before doing anything else in the system.
With the Required Messages feature, administrators can send a message to an individual, a group, or the entire staff (as shown below).
When an employee next logs into their system, they will receive the Required Message notification, as shown in the example below, and will need to acknowledge the message by checking the box and clicking on confirm. If an employee chooses not to acknowledge the message, they will not have access to their Aladtec system – no checking schedules, no submitting forms, no taking time off, etc. They must acknowledge the Required Message first.
Once the message is acknowledged, the system will time/date stamp it, thus ensuring employee accountability. To see who has read the message (or who has not), the administrator can click on the drop-down arrow next to the message to check the Date Read field. As you can see in the example below, several have read the Required Message while others have not yet read it.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other topic, please contact Customer Support at, give us a call at 888.749.5550 or send us an online Chat from the Help section. Happy Scheduling!
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